
Saying Goodbye, It's Time to Move On

By Gail Keller - Publisher Macaroni Kid JoCo November 29, 2018

I have been struggling with this decision for quite some time. I am a 50+ mom with two teenagers. I have been curating information about what to do with your kids for over 9 years, 2 years with Gail's Scoop and 7 plus years with Macaroni Kid. It is time for me to move out of the little kid space because my family life and personal interests have changed. It has become harder and harder over the last year to be passionate about work, so the time has come. 

I am sure you have experienced mixed emotions over a life event. Relief. Sadness. Anxiety. Fear.  So much emotion!  I don't want to let my readers down. Is there a new passionate young mom ready to come aboard? Suppose there isn't? Can I really leave without knowing what I will do next? 

So, I look to you for guidance.

1. If someone out there is interested in taking over Macaroni Kid JoCo, here is what I will leave you with.

  • 380+ e-newsletters
  • 9,600+ e-mail subscribers
  • 2.6 million page views
  • 5,683 Facebook fans
  • 1,128 Instagram followers

Drop me a note at with any questions. You can also contact Megan at Macaroni Kid at

2. What should I do next? Part of my brain feels like I know how to do this newsletter thing pretty well. Is there a new niche? Is anyone like me thinking about drugs, sex, and rock & roll menopause? Do you want to hear about teen stuff? college? money? date night? mid-life health? I am asking you to help me decide my path as I reinvent myself in 2019.

  •  If you are interested, opt-in to a potential 2019 Gail's Scoop for parents with teens and beyond

Thank you for being readers, fans and friends! 

(I will be publishing MacKid JoCo newsletters through the end of the year.)